As I came home from soul-winning Saturday,
Mom surprised me with a package!!
She had bought me a nice suit dress!! (picture below)
(I looove ladies suit dresses and have been wanting to get one!)
Then we went thrift storing yesterday and I had picked out
2 shirts and a skirt I liked...
and she purchased them for me!!
She also bought me a pair of dress shoes that
I've been wanting to get some day!
Here are some pics of the newly bought clothes...
The ladies suit and matching shirt she picked.
I'm, also, wearing the dress shoes she bought =)
A white blouse and skirt I picked from thrift store.
Thanks for all the stuff!
What a sweetie you are, Mom!!
Oooh, how fun! The clothes look good on you too! :)
Cute! I love ladies suit dresses too! I'm actually in the process of trying to make one, 50's style (but longer) - we'll see how it turns out! :D
To the KING be all the glory!
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15
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