What does it take to amaze you?
Is it a person’s incredible intellect and mental capacity?
To solve deep mysteries and discover new technologies?
Creativity and skill? Accomplishments?
Watching a beautiful sunset over snow-capped mountains?
I find it interesting that not everyone’s amazement
level is peaked by the same things.
A new do-dad of technological advancement may be just
what every teenager ‘needs’, but to others it’s just a
new toy on the shelf, soon to be outshone again.
Two people watching the sunrise may appreciate it,
but one soon wishes to do something else while
the other still can’t get enough of the view.
To one, a new tune of music may just be another song
added to the bunch of them. But to a musician,
it may be their very breath and emotion,
as they can only sit back and soak in each and every note.
What’s the difference?
It was the same song, the same sunrise, the same technology.
Why did it amaze only some?
Some people actually stop to think about what’s important to them.
Some people actually stand back and look at what is really there.
Some people are too caught up in real life,
things of this world, and the things of tomorrow.
They’re so busy reaching for things they long to have,
that they miss enjoying the things that are right in front of them.
How many times is that the sad condition of God’s children!
Are we caught up in all the blessings the Lord is giving us,
that we forget to cherish the Giver?
Am I too worried about the situations rising up against me
that I forget to trust in the One Who promises to lead me through it?
Do I look to the future, think of what I want to do
and not even consider the plan of the One Who made me for a purpose?
Many times we even long for love and a romantic relationship,
and ditch the perfect, holy, unconditional, & eternal Love right there.
If I were to tell you that Jesus left heavenly riches
to come to earth, suffer as a human being, die in your place
so that you could live in heaven… would you be amazed by that?
Well, duh! I’m saved, of course I’m amazed.
Are you still? Were you really?
Just reading about that should bring tears to one’s eyes.
I’m convicted myself, since I should have made so many
mistakes typing that statement from trembling hands,
blurred eyes from weeping, and overwhelming conviction
that it should have brought to me.
How was it when you got saved?
Did you feel like falling on your face and worshipping God?
Did it move you enough to surrender every desire,
every dream, every decision to His perfect plan?
That’s what should come when we actually look at salvation.
But you know what?
That’s not the end of my amazing God!
Something so amazing, I can’t even comprehend this:
Not only did He make a way of salvation for me,
He made it with no cost from me.
He paid everything. He doesn’t require anything.
But He does have a perfect plan for you since before birth.
This plan, instead of containing all the pain and suffering we deserve,
He planned it to be full of joy, peace, and love!
He has a wonderful life in store for us!
A personal relationship with Him!
A reason and purpose to live!
But, He loves me so much,
that He’s not going to force me to have this great gift.
I have a choice.
Even if I choose not to accept His plan for me,
He still leaves the opportunity there and continues to call me.
He never gives up on me!
If I start to stray, He loves me enough to chastise me,
accept the anger from me, and still lovingly woo me to Him again.
What have I done to deserve such grace?
I’ve done everything possible and so much more NOT to deserve it!
Yet He still not only offers it, He BEGS me to accept it!
Now isn’t that AMAZING?!
I often have to stop and ask myself,
“What do I get amazed by?
What is important to me?
What am I living for?”
It’s fun to dream about things.
It’s easy to worry about things.
But we all have to make a decision.
Am I going to spend my life worrying about real life
and dreaming of a life that might never be?
Or will I take the Lord’s hand as He guides me into my future,
trust Him to work out the current situations,
and stand still in amazement of my Beloved Creator?
I encourage you, especially as this new year is coming around,
stand still and be amazed at your God. Don’t forget Him.
Don’t get caught up in material goals or plans for this year.
Seek first His Kingdom and His fellowship,
then stand amazed at Who He is and What He does.
"Stand ye still and see the salvation of the LORD...
Fear not nor be dismayed... for the LORD will be with you."
2 Chronicles 20:17
"My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise." ~ Psalm 57:7
Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
This has come to be my life song.
Every word clearly tells my story and gives God
the glory for always being there for me.
I hope you enjoy the music video I made for it...
All Along:
Time just drifts away and as I look back through the years;
Memories of happiness and bitter tears.
Through it all, there was a common threat that cannot be ignored;
You were there teaching me to be Your servant, Lord.
All along, Your hand has been guiding me;
Shaping my life to be a beautiful song.
All along, You've led me through
The things that You do,
Would make me strong.
Your love has been there all along.
Every joy and pain had a reason of it's own
Now I realize that I was not alone.
The changing seasons of my life were not left up to chance;
Lord, I know You were working to fulfil Your plan.
All along, Your hand has been guiding me;
Shaping my life to be a beautiful song.
All along, You've led me through
The things that You do,
Would make me strong.
Your love has been there all along.
Tomorrow when I turn around, and I look back at today.
I will understand Your purpose, and my thankful heart will say:
All along, Your hand has been guiding me;
Shaping my life to be a beautiful song.
All along, You've led me through
The things that You do,
Would make me strong.
Your love has been there all along.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Dear Mom... Missions Conference Week
Today began our annual missions conference at church.
We support over 200 missionaries and just took on 20 more!
Classes during the conference are only 25 minutes long!
Here's some random pics...
A typical day at lunch in the dining hall!
Me & Brett
(we found out that our moms have known eachother online
for a while! I also am friends with his Mom on FB! LOL)
(some think we look like bro. & sis. lol)
At my dorm, we had a movie night watching "Parent Trap"
or "Beauty and the Beast"... but I was sleepy & went to bed.
Here's me and my "dorm soup", Dana:
Today was a WONDERFUL day at Missions Conference!
In the morning chapel service, Dr. Don Sisk spoke
on surrendering our lives to the Lord and living by faith.
I went forward and completely surrendered every area
of my life to the LORD and commited myself to Missions giving.
This evening the choir sang "Faces", which nearly makes
me cry every time I sing it! Today was a great day!!
After classes and such, I went to a session about
"How To Win Moslems To Christ"... VERY good!
My friend and I talked about it afterwards and
we both just felt like going soulwinning!
I also got to hear of several friends surrendering to
foreign mission fields, and to the Moslem people.
Here's a random picture of my friend, Lea, and I:
Today classes were back to normal 1 hour times.
O well, had a great time anyway!
Today was the last Home game for our Eagles
volleyball team, and we ever so sadly lost. :-(
I also went to football intramurals with a friend
and we were studying during the first 3 games.
(I had to memorize all 48 prepositions for a
Grammar quiz the next day! AHHH!)
I was freezing cold and had to go to bed at 11:30,
but intramurals lasted until about 2am!!!
Today was FULL of fun!! I got a 100 on Grammar quiz!
We also arranged a 'surprise' birthday celebration
for my friend Adam at the Great Awakening Cafe...
left2right - Franklin, Johnathon, Me, Steve
Cameron & Brett goofing off!
Me and Abby :-)
left2right - Nicholas, Adam (his b-day!), & Johnathon
Saturday was our anuual Harvest Festival at church,
and I was working with the soccer game.
Afterward I enjoyed cotton candy, hanging with friends,
and going to bed early and sleeping in late!! Yahoo!
Filed in:
Daily Life,
Dear Mom
Friday, October 22, 2010
Dear Mom : Lately Around Campus...
Sorry I haven't posted my regular posts lately.
The past two weeks have been extremely busy!
Last week was the hectic week of midterms,
which I got A's on all but one... B in Computer.
Here's Abby and I before taking OT midterm...
On Thursday, before the last day of midterms, a friend cut
my hair and 3 of us took off to chaperone a girl at work.
So we hung out at Panera Bread for 7 hours.
We also took off shopping, eating at Chili's,
and getting a yummy treat at Coldstone!
studying, (and going on Facebook again!!)
After the long and studious week, we got a group
together on Saturday to relax and hang out at the Oasis...
left2right - Ashley, Renee, Cameron, Reuben, Me
We played Catch Phrase and Guesstures,
enjoyed ice cream and soda, and enjoyed kicking back
and just goofing off (without worrying about tests!!)...
Then I played Ashley and Gabriel to a game of carpetball...
Earlier this week, we had a wonderful day of
scattered thunderstorms and pouring rain!!!
It was such a blessing to hear thunder, see clouds,
feel and smell rain, and see a gorgeous rainbow...
This was so big, it literally arched all the way
over campus and you could see both ends of it!!
(But I couldn't snap the whole thing.)
Yesterday, Ashley and I were challenged to learn
how to tie a tie... the reward... $1!! (bought a candy bar!)
Needless to say, after much trial and error,
I finally got down a half windsor! *Ü*
After supper, a few of us hung out at the cafe
studying and chatting around.
Abby and Steve looked at Bill Rice Ranch flyers and
I was helping Markus write his Theology project...
left2right - Markus, Me, Steve, Abby
Tomorrow after soulwinning, I'll be headed to my
English Teacher's party at her house!! Yeah!
Then I get back and babysit for a sunday school activity.
Next week's classes are only 25 minutes each! Fun!
Sunday starts our annual Missions Conference,
English Teacher's party at her house!! Yeah!
Then I get back and babysit for a sunday school activity.
Next week's classes are only 25 minutes each! Fun!
Sunday starts our annual Missions Conference,
and I am really excited and can't wait!! *Ü*Ü*Ü*Ü*
Filed in:
Daily Life,
Dear Mom
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Dear Mom...
Sorry, I had a REALLY busy week that I forgot most of what I did.
I also didn't take ANY pictures, so this one is just short and sweet.
Monday, October 4
Today was a dreaded English test.
The teacher let us out early and she baked us yummy cookies!
I also got to talk to my sister on the phone as it was her birthday.
I spent the day studying, going to work, and hanging out. Ü
Tuesday, October 5
Normal classes. Speech, Computer, & Intro to College.
Had a quiz in MicroComputer class and think I failed it. Bleh.
Prepared for mid-terms. My mind honestly draws a blank for the rest.
Wednesday, October 6
Today classes were cut so we could go out door-knocking
for our Open House Sunday at church on the 10th.
My friends and I hit 66 doors! PTL.
The rest of the day was spent relaxing, piano-ing, studying,
and keeping in touch with friends and relatives.
Thursday, October 7
We were told the date of our Bible Memory speech... next week.
So I picked a passage after having a great "preaching" conversation
at breakfast with a group of friends... and Mrs. Weaver. :-)
In Computer class we started with Microsoft Publisher... me no likie.
Friday, October 8
We had a fun mid-term prep quiz in OT Survey and finished early!
My friends and I studied in Revels & one treated me to a coffee!
Then I had a Biology quiz and only missed 1 question!
I taught piano, started a new 5 year old student, and went to
the post-office and thrift store to find a nice coat and shirt.
I attempted witnessing to my co-worker but he was very closed.
I am continuing to pray for him and work with him.
I got home and was blessed to be an encouragement to a dear friend.
Saturday, October 9
Today I went soulwinning in with Brother Lester's SS group.
After knocking out 70 doors, we were treated to In & Out Burger!!
I came back to study for mid-terms, play piano, fellowship,
and have a wonderful dinner of BBQ ribs!!
I also didn't take ANY pictures, so this one is just short and sweet.
Monday, October 4
Today was a dreaded English test.
The teacher let us out early and she baked us yummy cookies!
I also got to talk to my sister on the phone as it was her birthday.
I spent the day studying, going to work, and hanging out. Ü
Tuesday, October 5
Normal classes. Speech, Computer, & Intro to College.
Had a quiz in MicroComputer class and think I failed it. Bleh.
Prepared for mid-terms. My mind honestly draws a blank for the rest.
Wednesday, October 6
Today classes were cut so we could go out door-knocking
for our Open House Sunday at church on the 10th.
My friends and I hit 66 doors! PTL.
The rest of the day was spent relaxing, piano-ing, studying,
and keeping in touch with friends and relatives.
Thursday, October 7
We were told the date of our Bible Memory speech... next week.
So I picked a passage after having a great "preaching" conversation
at breakfast with a group of friends... and Mrs. Weaver. :-)
In Computer class we started with Microsoft Publisher... me no likie.
Friday, October 8
We had a fun mid-term prep quiz in OT Survey and finished early!
My friends and I studied in Revels & one treated me to a coffee!
Then I had a Biology quiz and only missed 1 question!
I taught piano, started a new 5 year old student, and went to
the post-office and thrift store to find a nice coat and shirt.
I attempted witnessing to my co-worker but he was very closed.
I am continuing to pray for him and work with him.
I got home and was blessed to be an encouragement to a dear friend.
Saturday, October 9
Today I went soulwinning in with Brother Lester's SS group.
After knocking out 70 doors, we were treated to In & Out Burger!!
I came back to study for mid-terms, play piano, fellowship,
and have a wonderful dinner of BBQ ribs!!
Filed in:
Daily Life,
Dear Mom
Monday, October 4, 2010
Young Maiden's Daybook - October 4

October 4, 2010
Outside my window…
Trees are waving, students are walking around,
the weather is suprisingly beautiful!
I am thinking…
Of the wonderful blessings God gives to His children!
I am thankful…
For my dear sister, Beth, who turned 8 today!
I am wearing...
Black skirt and black/red blouse.
I am reading…
The Holy Bible:Proverbs, John, Leviticus;
"Changed Into His Image" by Jim Berg
"Exploring The Scriptures" by John Phillips
I am creating…
A speech file... 10 narratives, 10 illustrations,
10 poems, and 20 quotes;
a summary of a commentary (how's that work?!).
One of my favorite things…
Chapel messages! How they edify & bless the heart!
For education this week…
Old testament Survey, English, Biology,
Microcomputer skills, Christian Womanhood,
Freshman speech, Collegiate Life, and College choir.
A keeper at home skill I am learning/using...
Managing my time well. Even my free time... whatever that is.
A spiritual lesson I'm learning...
Setting standards and yeilding to the Holy Spirit's convicting,
and standing for it even when I have to stand alone.
A godly character trait I plan to work on…
Abiding In HIM!
Scripture I am memorizing…
"And I will put emnity between thee and the woman,
and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy
head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." Genesis 3:15
(For Old Testament Survey)
I'm praying for…
Financial provision through college;
Him to reveal His perfect will and help me trust in Him;
His strength (physically and spiritually);
My friends seeking for jobs; For many students to teach;
To get this second job at Sears if He wills it.
For the rest of the week…
School, studying, and sleeping;
canvasing for Open House Sunday;
Biology quiz Friday; preparing for mid-terms next week;
teaching Friday and setting up 2 more students;
spend time with my wonderful Savior;
and whatever else the Lord sees fit to send my way.
A picture I'm sharing...
Tiki torch flame!! (from the luau; i plan to add a verse to it)

To learn how to participate, click HERE.
If you participate, please leave a comment
with a link to your daybook as well.
Filed in:
A Young Maiden's Daybook,
Daily Life
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Dear Mom - Week 6
Today was just a normal Monday.
Running around for classes, studying,
and hanging out with friends.
I was really blessed to have someone buy
me a nice big muffin and a coffee!!
Gotta love the coffee shop!
I also enjoyed "squishing" in the couches while
chatting around and studying...
I listened to my classmate's speeches
in Speech class, which some were pretty funny! lol
I vehemently played the piano today and worked on some theory.
I sadly finished off my 2nd bag of Lime chips,
but my roommate and I 'took tea' together as we did our
Grammar homework (that we were struggling with!)...
I actually caught the beautiful sunrise on
my way to breakfast! So pretty!...
After classes, I worked hard on a speech project;
which is a file containing 10 narratives, illustrations,
which is a file containing 10 narratives, illustrations,
poems, and 20 quotes. I'm nearly 1/3 done... bleh.
Here we were before evening service... *Ü*
Today was the first day of our Leadership
and Educator's Conference... which was really good!
The college choir had to meet early, so no sleeping in 4 me.
But we sang "Preach The Word", which we really enjoyed!
We were all really excited about seeing clouds today!...
We hoped for some rain, but never got any. :-(
After some studying, I mostly relaxed outside and
After some studying, I mostly relaxed outside and
I was able to talk to my Aunt Lisa on the phone. Ü
It was such a blessing to me!
Last sessions of Educator's Conference, and we sang
"God's Been Good" for choir... which I LOOOVE!
After lunch, I was off to teach piano at the store.
My co-worker finished my business cards and they're really nice!
I studied for Biology and worked on some Grammar at work.
We enjoyed a thunderstorm and I was SO excited to feel rain!
The sunset was just gorgeous as I sat out and watched it...
We went soulwinning early this morning, came back
and I enjoyed a yummy muffin from the store! Ü
At 1:00 our dorm had a picnic at the park,
which I just got back from a little while ago.
Here's a pic of me and a friend down the hall...
It's Round-Up Sunday with a Wild West stunt
and a chili-cookoff... can't wait!!! :-)
Filed in:
Daily Life,
Dear Mom
Monday, September 27, 2010
Young Maiden's Daybook - September 27

September 27, 2010
Outside my window…
The sun is setting over the desert :-)
I am thinking…
Of God's love and goodness!
I am thankful…
For wonderful friends here and great faculty.
I am wearing...
Blue "WCBC Eagles" shirt and flowered skirt.
(Go EAGLES!! :-)
I am reading…
The Holy Bible:Proverbs, John, various places;
"Changed Into His Image" by Jim Berg
"Exploring The Scriptures" by John Phillips
I am creating…
Grammar homework... bleh!
a summary of a commentary (how's that work?!).
One of my favorite things…
Hint of Lime tortilla chips! Going through my 2nd bag this week! lol
For education this week…
Old testament Survey, English, Biology,
Microcomputer skills, Christian Womanhood,
Freshman speech, Collegiate Life, and College choir.
A keeper at home skill I am learning/using...
Keeping a good mood and doing all my work even
when I have the flu... :-(
A spiritual lesson I'm learning...
Not to lean on my own understanding and ideas,
but to fully trust in the LORD and He will direct my paths!
A godly character trait I plan to work on…
Abiding In HIM!
Scripture I am memorizing…"And I will put emnity between thee and the woman,
and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy
head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." Genesis 3:15
(For Old Testament Survey)
I'm praying for…
Financial provision through college;
Him to reveal His perfect will and help me trust in Him;
His strength (physically and spiritually);
My friends seeking for jobs; For many students to teach;
To get this second job at Sears if He wills it.
For the rest of the week…
School, studying, and sleeping;
getting over this flu (hopefully!)
practicing choir for Educator's Conference this weekend;
teaching Friday and setting up 2 more students;
spend time with my wonderful Savior;
and whatever else the Lord sees fit to send my way.
A picture I'm sharing...
Beautiful palm tree at dawn between the Oasis and Dining Hall...

To learn how to participate, click HERE.
If you participate, please leave a comment
with a link to your daybook as well.
Filed in:
A Young Maiden's Daybook,
Daily Life
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Dear Mom - Week 5
Sorry, the internet is acting dumb, so I
can't add as many pics as I was hoping. :-(
Monday September 20
I was very happy when I received my
Biology quiz back and saw that I scored a 95,
rather than the 88 I thought I got!
I also got a 100 in my Grammar quiz.
Today my roommate and I went to Wal*Mart
and I happily purchased my much-craved drink...
O yes, I did good!! *Ü*
Tuesday September 21
Today I rejoiced to see that I got a 100
on my Microcomputer Skills quiz!
I also set up another piano student for Mondays.
Some random beautiful scenery around campus caught my eye...
Wednesday September 22
Lots of studying and working on my report.
Tonight, I, along with about 100 other students,
went forward to join Lancaster Baptist Church!
But then I returned to my room and found out
my laptop crashed... with my schoolwork still on it.
Good thing I saved most things to my thumb drive!
Thursday September 23
Today I we gave our narratives in Speech.
After chapel, we all toured Dr. Chappell's
office/study. Then he and his wife personally
greeted us and handed Snickers bars!!
I rushed around and made it just in time for my
interview at Sears, which went great, and we plan
to set up a 2nd interview next week!
Friday September 24
Woke up with a sore throat and today was picture day.
I was running all over the place with my
tight school schedule, pictures, and work.
I also picked out a business card design
my co-worker is making for me... he did a GREAT job!
When I got back, the sore throat turned into
a fever, chills, cough, and tummy ache. :-(
Had to go to bed early and skip out on socializing.
Saturday September 25
I woke up with no fever and felt somewhat better!
I was determined to make it through soul-winning
and had a blessed time promoting our Open House month!
Afterwards, my friends and I went to Wal*Mart to get
a few things, and a small fry from McDonald's. yum yum!
I also finished my 4-page report, finished a page for my
speech file, and did lots of Grammar homework.
Looking forward to being in my Lord's House tomorrow!!
can't add as many pics as I was hoping. :-(
Monday September 20
I was very happy when I received my
Biology quiz back and saw that I scored a 95,
rather than the 88 I thought I got!
I also got a 100 in my Grammar quiz.
Today my roommate and I went to Wal*Mart
and I happily purchased my much-craved drink...
O yes, I did good!! *Ü*
Tuesday September 21
Today I rejoiced to see that I got a 100
on my Microcomputer Skills quiz!
I also set up another piano student for Mondays.
Some random beautiful scenery around campus caught my eye...
Wednesday September 22
Lots of studying and working on my report.
Tonight, I, along with about 100 other students,
went forward to join Lancaster Baptist Church!
But then I returned to my room and found out
my laptop crashed... with my schoolwork still on it.
Good thing I saved most things to my thumb drive!
Thursday September 23
Today I we gave our narratives in Speech.
After chapel, we all toured Dr. Chappell's
office/study. Then he and his wife personally
greeted us and handed Snickers bars!!
I rushed around and made it just in time for my
interview at Sears, which went great, and we plan
to set up a 2nd interview next week!
Friday September 24
Woke up with a sore throat and today was picture day.
I was running all over the place with my
tight school schedule, pictures, and work.
I also picked out a business card design
my co-worker is making for me... he did a GREAT job!
When I got back, the sore throat turned into
a fever, chills, cough, and tummy ache. :-(
Had to go to bed early and skip out on socializing.
Saturday September 25
I woke up with no fever and felt somewhat better!
I was determined to make it through soul-winning
and had a blessed time promoting our Open House month!
Afterwards, my friends and I went to Wal*Mart to get
a few things, and a small fry from McDonald's. yum yum!
I also finished my 4-page report, finished a page for my
speech file, and did lots of Grammar homework.
Looking forward to being in my Lord's House tomorrow!!
Filed in:
Daily Life,
Dear Mom
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Spiritual Kicks...
(the narrative I delivered this morning in Speech class. It's edited to a reader's format.)
I love guns!
Since I was a young girl, I decided dolls were too girly and
started playing secret spy and cops with pretend guns.
I remember the first gun I shot was just a good old rifle.
I was 10 years old and so proud that I missed 1 out of 50 targets.
I just knew that I was born for guns.
Anyway, on our journey to California from North Carolina,
we stayed a week at my grandparents in Arkansas.
And my Dad had just bought a brand new 9mm gun!
I was so excited, it was “the real cop” gun, and I was gonna shoot it.
Unfortunately, I figured I already knew everything there was to know about shooting a gun,
So I was kinda tuning my Dad out as he tried explaining how to properly shoot the 9mm.
Well, a 9mm is a lot different from a rifle. It has a kick.
I didn’t bother heeding that part of my Dad’s instruction.
So I grabbed the gun, got in my cool “cop pose”, kinda goofing off,
pulled the trigger and BOOM.
I was nearly knocked over! I was thinking what in the world?!
To make matters worse, the bullet casing hit my neck
so my first thought was, “I shot myself!!”
And I was even trying to think mathematically how that would work
seeing I was aiming the gun the other way…
anyway, needless to say, I wasn’t shot.
The problem was how I was holding the gun and how I was standing.
My Dad then went on to explain (for the second time) that you must hold it
a certain way and must have a firm stance to counteract the kick.
After I got serious about it and followed my Dad’s instruction,
the gun’s kick was hardly felt and I had a lot more fun.
And hit my target... not myself... or my Dad.
A couple days later in my Bible study, I was studying how
Satan is out there to knock us off our feet.
And if we’re not careful to heed our Heavenly Father’s instructions,
we won’t be taking the right stance to remain standing against Satan’s attacks in our lives.
We’ll feel defeated and we’ll never hit our target.
But, if we watch and pray, and heed His instructions, Satan’s kicks won’t knock us down,
we can enjoy the Christian life, and we’ll be sure to hit our target every time.
I love guns!
Since I was a young girl, I decided dolls were too girly and
started playing secret spy and cops with pretend guns.
I remember the first gun I shot was just a good old rifle.
I was 10 years old and so proud that I missed 1 out of 50 targets.
I just knew that I was born for guns.
Anyway, on our journey to California from North Carolina,
we stayed a week at my grandparents in Arkansas.
And my Dad had just bought a brand new 9mm gun!
I was so excited, it was “the real cop” gun, and I was gonna shoot it.
Unfortunately, I figured I already knew everything there was to know about shooting a gun,
So I was kinda tuning my Dad out as he tried explaining how to properly shoot the 9mm.
Well, a 9mm is a lot different from a rifle. It has a kick.
I didn’t bother heeding that part of my Dad’s instruction.
So I grabbed the gun, got in my cool “cop pose”, kinda goofing off,
pulled the trigger and BOOM.
I was nearly knocked over! I was thinking what in the world?!
To make matters worse, the bullet casing hit my neck
so my first thought was, “I shot myself!!”
And I was even trying to think mathematically how that would work
seeing I was aiming the gun the other way…
anyway, needless to say, I wasn’t shot.
The problem was how I was holding the gun and how I was standing.
My Dad then went on to explain (for the second time) that you must hold it
a certain way and must have a firm stance to counteract the kick.
After I got serious about it and followed my Dad’s instruction,
the gun’s kick was hardly felt and I had a lot more fun.
And hit my target... not myself... or my Dad.
A couple days later in my Bible study, I was studying how
Satan is out there to knock us off our feet.
And if we’re not careful to heed our Heavenly Father’s instructions,
we won’t be taking the right stance to remain standing against Satan’s attacks in our lives.
We’ll feel defeated and we’ll never hit our target.
But, if we watch and pray, and heed His instructions, Satan’s kicks won’t knock us down,
we can enjoy the Christian life, and we’ll be sure to hit our target every time.
Filed in:
Encouragement Along the Way,
Musings of a Maiden
Monday, September 20, 2010
Young Maiden's Daybook - September 20

September 20, 2010
Outside my window…
The sun is rising over the desert! It's very chilly.
I am thinking…
Of the $300 I need by Wednesday
for my big scary school bill...
I am thankful…
That I can trust in the LORD to provide!
I am wearing...
Blue/green collared shirt and my roommate's khaki skirt.
I am reading…
The Holy Bible:Proverbs, John, various places;
"Changed Into His Image" by Jim Berg
"The Discipled Life" by Richard S. Taylor
"Exploring The Scriptures" by John Phillips
I am creating…
A two-page book report,
a summary of a commentary (how's that work?!),
a narrative for Speech on Thursday.
One of my favorite things…
College! Preaching, Bible study, ministries, music,
education, food, friends, fellowships, sunsets... ah!
For education this week…
Old testament Survey, English, Biology,
Microcomputer skills, Christian Womanhood,
Freshman speech, Collegiate Life, and College choir.
A keeper at home skill I am learning/using...
Not to depend on coffee! I think I'm pretty much off it now!
A spiritual lesson I'm learning...
Not to lean on my own understanding and ideas,
but to fully trust in the LORD and He will direct my paths!
A godly character trait I plan to work on…
Scripture I am memorizing…
"And I will put emnity between thee and the woman,
and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy
head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." Genesis 3:15
(For Old Testament Survey quiz today)
I'm praying for…
Financial provision through college;
Him to reveal His perfect will and help me trust in Him;
His strength (physically and spiritually);
My friends seeking for jobs; For many students to teach.
For the rest of the week…
School, studying, and sleeping;
chapel every day (woo hoo!!!);
practicing choir for Educator's Conference;
finishing my book report;
teaching Friday and setting up 2 more students;
spend time with my wonderful Savior;
and whatever else the Lord sees fit to send my way.
A picture I'm sharing...
Dr. Chappell's new Sunday morning theme!... :-)
Church: It's The Real Thing
Have a great week!
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Filed in:
A Young Maiden's Daybook,
Daily Life
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