Mom and I were jesting about how
I should get a 'Bad Blogger Award'. lol
It's been very busy around here.
Yesterday I ended up doing 54 pages
in my Advanced Chemistry!!!!
Oh, I couldn't put it down!
Now that I've learned, as Dr.Wile says,
'all there is to know about equilibrium'(sigh of relief!),
I've finally started enjoying more of my favorite fields:
kinetics and organic chemistry.
(I didn't know I'd like organic chemistry,
but it's pretty much physical chemistry with a lot of 'twists' to it!!!!)
Anyway, today was a nice day
so we decided to go to the beach!
I love the beach and it's been a while since we had gone.
I absolutely adore the cute seagulls and pelicans...
But unfortunately, it was a little crowded,
so we didn't stay long.
But here are 2 of my favorite shots of the moms...
My mama...
Notice how similar their face expressions are? LOL
Just goes to show that when you've been best friends
with someone for 7 years, you pick up the others' traits.
Hee hee. I love you guys ;)
We, then, ventured home.
We spent time singing, playing instruments,
relaxing, and having fun with the camera.
Here are a few photos I thought I'd share:
Playing my guitar in a unique way, as we've done before...
(We had done this years ago
and decided to update the pose in our photos ;)
And my 'Mad Scientist' look, as she says...
(since I like to study so much and relate
almost any situation to Chemistry;)
After a while, we made the Friday night pizza...
We had a great time of fellowship (and singing!) in the kitchen.
The children were enjoying their time
dressing up and showing us their costumes...
Cute Carolynne
Butterfly Beth
Roman Will and who knows what his friend is!?!
(some kind of a morphed cow/elephant/cowgirl/queen)
They also had fun on the trampoline in their outfits...
Today was definately a great day of fellowship!
Here are 2 more photos we took...
I hope to post again soon!
Have a great weekend!